Scottish Minister for Climate Action Dr. Alasdair Allan at OEE2024

Minister Allan gave a keynote speech on the second and closing day of the Ocean Energy Europe Conference & Exhibition (OEE2024) and had a tour of the exhibition. He said: “Scotland is a leader in the development of ocean energy. These technologies can complement other renewables and help deliver a secure energy supply. We want a partnership with Europe ensuring that marine energy plays a key role in the energy transition.”
The second day of the flagship ocean energy event features two key sessions, highlighting some of the latest developments in both wave and tidal. The session ‘Wave showcase – from the tank to the ocean‘ features wave developers running the gamut of developmental stages, from early prototype development to getting ready to deploy the first wave farms in the world.
The session ‘Tidal Showcase – getting the next generation of farms ready‘ features a group of powerhouse tidal developers, all with projects and plans to get their farms in the water and help usher in full commercialisation.
The closing session of the conference, titled ‘Captains’ Conclusions – Steering the ocean energy course‘ and chaired by Ocean Energy Europe CEO Rémi Gruet, brings together sector leaders to discuss what is next for the sector.