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ETIP Ocean webinar: Structured Innovation design tool

ETIP Ocean webinar: Structured Innovation design tool

The third joint webinar with DTOceanPlus will focus on a Structured Innovation design tool. The H2020 funded DTOceanPlus project is…

Copernicus Marine Service Training Workshop for the Iberia-Biscay-Ireland Region
24/03/2020 - 25/03/2020

Copernicus Marine Service Training Workshop for the Iberia-Biscay-Ireland Region

Mercator Ocean International, Maritime Cluster of the Canary Islands (CMC) and The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN), organize…

Copernicus Marine Service Training Workshop for the European North-West Shelf Seas
12/12/2019 - 13/12/2019

Copernicus Marine Service Training Workshop for the European North-West Shelf Seas

Mercator Ocean International and the UK Met Office organize on December 12-13 2019 in Galway, Ireland, a Regional Copernicus Marine…

Copernicus Marine Service Training Workshop for the Mediterranean Sea
09/12/2019 - 10/12/2019

Copernicus Marine Service Training Workshop for the Mediterranean Sea

Mercator Ocean International, CMCC and the University of Bologna organize on December 09-10 2019 in Bologna, Italy, a Regional Copernicus…

30 September, 2019 - 1 October, 2019


Ежегодная конференция и выставка Ocean Energy Europe – это место встречи всего сектора океанской энергетики .

Scottish Renewables Marine Conference 2019
01/09/2019 - 13/09/2019

Scottish Renewables Marine Conference 2019

Scotland’s wave and tidal industries continue to push the boundaries of technology and project development, with devices and projects continually…

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