EU Projects

FORESEA (Funding Ocean Renewable Energy through Strategic European Action) is an €11m Interreg North West Europe project. It helps bring offshore renewable energy technologies to the market by providing free access to North West Europe’s world-leading network of test centres.
Offshore renewable energy will be instrumental in achieving a carbon-free energy system, and Europe is currently leading the world in developing those technologies. Transforming this technological lead into a new industrial sector will benefit Europe both locally by bringing growth to coastal regions, and globally with major export opportunities.
Since its launch in 2016, FORESEA has dramatically speeded up access to market for a significant number of innovative offshore renewable energy technologies.

Ocean DEMO
Ocean DEMO is an €13m Interreg North West Europe project. It helps bring offshore renewable energy technologies to the market by providing free access to North-West Europe’s world-leading network of test centres.
Ocean DEMO specifically targets multi-device ocean energy installations. This will allow developers to prove their technology at full commercial scale.
European technologies are currently leading the world in ocean energy, and many devices have already been tested extensively at sea.
Ocean DEMO will ease the transition towards multi-device farms by providing free access to Europe’s world leading network of open sea test centres.

Evolving from the successful EC-funded MaRINET Infrastructures Network, MaRINET2 is working towards its vision of unlocking the energy potential of our oceans by ensuring the integration and enhancement of leading European research infrastructures specialising in research, development and testing of Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) systems.
ORE is an important source of clean energy that can generate economic growth and employment, increase energy security and boost competitiveness and technological innovation. The realisation of this potential depends on the accelerated development, deployment and grid integration of reliable, efficient technologies for harvesting ORE, which in turn requires robust testing in dedicated facilities with specialised expertise. MaRINET2 provides this platform and is pre-eminently suited to fostering the next generation of ORE devices.

ETIP Ocean
ETIP Ocean is a recognised advisory body to the European Commission, part of the EU’s main Research and Innovation policy the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan).
ETIP Ocean brings together around 500 experts from 150 organisations covering the entire European ocean energy sector.
Building on its work and on the Ocean Energy Forum Roadmap, ETIP Ocean continues to bring together knowledge and expertise, proposing solutions to accelerate the development of the ocean energy sector and set it along the pathway to commercialisation.

The Next Evolution in Materials and Models for Ocean Energy project will boost the competitiveness of tidal energy by optimising tidal turbine blade design and performance.
The project aims to create a larger, lighter and more durable composite blade for floating tidal turbines, enabling devices to reach capacities of over 2 MW.

Copernicus Marine Service
The CMEMS provides regular and systematic core reference information on the state of the physical oceans and regional seas. The observations and forecasts produced by the service support all marine applications.
The CMEMS is driven by quality and simplicity: quality of the ocean information provided to users, and simplicity of the access to information.
The service is meant for any user requesting generic information on the ocean, and especially downstream service providers who use this information as an input to their own value-added services to end-users.

Industry, national governments and the European Commission all want to invest in clean energy Research & Development.
SMARTSPEND is a 3-year, EU-funded project running until 30 November 2021, that aims to find new ways to coordinate and increase those investments.
The SMARTSPEND project is supporting the execution of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) of the European Commission.