Offshore Strategy Day: Actioning the EU’s ocean energy ambitions

Event overview
Date : 23/06/2022
Time : 14:30
Location : Atelier 29, Brussels / Online
The EU Strategy on Offshore Renewable Energy sets a clear objective for ocean energy deployment: 100 MW by 2025. To reach that goal and fund the next 100 MW of ocean energy, the European Commission will need to coordinate with national and regional authorities.
This conference brought together key actors from EU Institutions, national governments, and the ocean energy industry to assess progress one and a half year after the launch of the Strategy. It provided concrete solutions to empower the Commission and Member States to accelerate delivery and succeed in their coordination work.

Actions to deliver on the Offshore Strategy

Minesto’s Faroe Plans – Martin Edlund, Minesto

Wave Power to power the planet - Patrik Möller, CorPower Ocean