TIGER webinar: Growing the supply chain for cost effective reliable composite blades, tooling and sensor design for tidal turbines
Event overview
Date : 13/10/2020
Time : 10:00 - 12:00
This webinar is the third in the series of six supply chain events being organised by the TIGER project in the framework of SEA TECH WEEK by MORBIHAN HYDRO ENERGIES. This two-hour session brings together tidal turbine developers, academics and suppliers who are at the forefront of research and industrial innovation in the field of composite technologies for use in harsh saltwater environments. You should register for this event to find out more about the needs of Europe’s leading tidal turbine developers and see how your company can become part of this innovation supply chain.
Please ensure that you are registered to the SEAT TECH WEEK platform – by following the registration instructions and link from the project website. Once registered, participants should keep their login and password safe as they will need this to join the platform on 13th October, 2020.