Nova Innovation’s Direct Drive Tidal Turbine project in EUSEW Awards final

You can vote for the D2T2 project here, and put ocean energy at the forefront of EU’s largest sustainable energy event!
Presentation of the D2T2 project by Nova Innovation
The D2T2 – Direct Drive Tidal Turbine – project has made the tidal device more efficient, reducing the total costs of producing tidal energy by 30% over its lifetime. This means it can produce energy at a cost similar to the cost of producing energy by burning diesel and other fossil fuels.
Moreover, in 2018, the project also paired the tidal device with energy storage batteries developed by Tesla. By combining tidal energy power with batteries that store energy, any excess energy can be stored for times when demand for energy is high, but supply is lower. This means it can become the backbone of Europe’s energy systems, taking out the last big emitters like coal and nuclear power.
“There is a revolution in tidal energy technologies taking place right here in Europe. We are heading into the manufacturing phase including an order for 15 turbines in Canada. I envisage the roll-out of our technology to coastal European countries, South East Asia and Japan happening over the coming decade,” says Simon Forrest, CEO of Nova Innovation and D2T2 project coordinator.