The Swedish Energy Agency allocates SEK 105 million to further investment in marine energy

The Swedish Energy Agency invests SEK 105 million on a continuation of the Marine Energy Conversion Program. The initiative will contribute to exports of Swedish knowledge and Swedish products. The first announcement will open in May.
“In the new venture, we will strengthen the international link, and we will do that by incorporating our international partnerships, such as OCEANERA-Net Cofund and IEA OES,” said Tobias Walla, managing director at the Energy Agency.
The new program is based on the Swedish Energy Agency’s Marine Energy Strategy, which was launched in spring 2017. The program’s vision is that environmentally sustainable Swedish-developed marine energy concepts will contribute to the transition to a globally sustainable energy system. The new program effort is ongoing between 2018-2024.

The Energy Agency’s investment in marine energy will lead to increased cooperation between market players, and support environmentally sustainable innovative solutions that can contribute to cost reductions and streamlining, focusing on technologies that have the potential to be commercialized by 2030.
“The purpose of our investment in marine energy is, in addition to contributing to future global renewable energy systems, partly based on ocean energy, also to create opportunities for enabling increased Swedish exports and increasing Swedish jobs. We have good conditions in Sweden and we want to take advantage of them even if we do not yet know how the marine energy industry will develop – it’s only in its infancy, “says Marit Marsh Strömberg, Program Manager at the Energy Agency.
Text copied and translated from the webpage of the Swedish Energy Agency