BlueInvest Plaform: Grants
20.12.20 €20m of Blue Economy grants
The ‘Blue Economy Window’ call is offering €20m of grants to bring ‘blue economy’ technologies to market and de-risk investments in these technologies.
DG MARE chose grants to fund the demonstration of innovative technologies – in line with a key OEE position.
Strategy Week – Webinar 2: EU Funding Panorama
Please use the password 2020STRATWEEKWEB2 to watch the video.
This members-only webinar will go over the latest updates on the most important European funding opportunities covering the whole spectrum of technology development stages. What’s coming up, who’s eligible and all the important funding information you need to know!
Strategy Week – Webinar 1: Projecting success in grant writing
Please use the password STRATWEEK2020WEB1 to watch the video.
This members-only webinar will feature practical tips to help catch the interest of the evaluator in your funding application. Learn how to highlight your successes and the best features of your project to make your company look more attractive – for both public and private funders.
13.01.20 BlueInvest 2020
The European Commission’s DG MARE is organizing a free event for blue economy companies in Brussels. This is the opportunity to meet investors and get in touch with DG MARE officers working on the currently open EUR 22.5m call for demonstration projects and the upcoming BlueInvest Fund (equity).