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An overview of the progress in the ocean energy sector

The third OceanSET Knowledge Sharing workshop will present results of the third survey carried out across Member States and Ocean Energy device developers in Europe. The results will focus on Member States and partnering non-EU countries’ policy and infrastructure, nationally funded projects, technology costs and performance, and suggestions for improvements.

This year we will also provide an update on the EuropeWave pre-commercial procurement programme and the upcoming wave energy projects being selected to progress the Ocean Energy sector.


  • OceanSET H2020 project presentation, by Gianmaria Sannino from ENEA
  • Review of the results of the third annual survey addressed to the Member States, by Rachel Power from SEAI
  • Update on the third annual survey addressed to the technolgy developers, by Ana Andrade from DGEG
  • Update on the EuropeWave pre-commercial procurement programme and upcoming wave energy projects, by Tim Hurst from WES