Side Events
OEE2021 Side Events
Members-only event – Future horizons: funding & catching up
Ocean DEMO – Building national support: a pathway to multi-device farms
OceanSET – An overview of the progress in the ocean energy sector
OCEANERA-NET – Collaborative Innovation – New Horizons
NEMMO Project – On the Cutting Edge of Tidal Blade Design and Materials
OEE2021 5K Run
Sunday 5 December, 17:00
Catch up with your ocean energy colleagues while seeing the Brussels sights and getting your heart rate up!
Join us on the eve of OEE2021 for a run throughout Brussels, the heart of Europe. The route will begin and end at the EGG, the OEE2021 venue. The route will take you through Brussels’ historic medieval centre and go through parts of Brussels that tourists usually never see.
Ocean DEMO Side Event
Building national support: a pathway to multi-device farms
Monday 6 December, 13:30 – 14:30
A supportive policy environment at national level is necessary for the deployment of ocean energy multi-device farms. The Interreg NWE Ocean DEMO project is working actively with national governments in North-Western Europe to create policies that will enable the immense potential of ocean energy.
OEE2021 Conference Dinner
OEE MEMBERS ONLY - Future horizons
Sharing knowledge on funding and catching up with the OEE
Tuesday 7 December, 16:30 – 19:30
Join OEE membership for an evening of sharing knowledge, connecting and catching up! This members-only event will give membership an opportunity to hear all about the Horizon Europe funding programme, hear from successful (and not!) grant applicants and re-connect with the OEE secretariat.
ONLINE - OceanSET Side Event
An overview of the progress in the ocean energy sector
Wednesday 8 December, 10:00 – 11:00
The third OceanSET Knowledge Sharing workshop will present results of the third survey carried out across Member States and Ocean Energy device developers in Europe. The results will focus on Member States and partnering non-EU countries’ policy and infrastructure, nationally funded projects, technology costs and performance, and suggestions for improvements.
This year we will also provide an update on the EuropeWave pre-commercial procurement programme and the upcoming wave energy projects being selected to progress the Ocean Energy sector.
Collaborative Innovation – New Horizons
Wednesday 8 December, 11:00 – 13:00
The Horizon 2020 OCEANERA-NET COFUND project is now in its fifth year and has successfully implemented two Joint Calls for collaborative, trans-national research, development and demonstration projects to tackle some of the key challenges and opportunities for ocean energy. The 9 projects funded under the Co-funded Joint Call are reaching completion and have exciting results to report, while we have 4 projects ongoing under the second call. This side event will hear from companies on the benefits of collaborative innovation and OCEANERA-NET support, and the results they have achieved.
On the Cutting Edge of Tidal Blade Design and Materials
Wednesday 8 December, 14:00 – 15:40
To boost the competitiveness of tidal energy, the NEMMO project aims at optimising tidal turbine blade design and performance by making a larger, lighter, and more durable composite blade for floating tidal turbines.
This project, now in its third year, has already made great progress in testing and producing tailored composites, coatings and appendages for a novel tidal blade. This side event will highlight the latest findings on materials and modelling and the results they have achieved.
Tidal Alliance
Tidal Alliance
Tidal Alliance