Target 2025 – Empowering Europe to deliver on its ocean energy ambitions

Event overview
Date : 22/06/2021
Time : 09:30 - 12:45
The EU Strategy on Offshore Renewable Energy sets a clear objective for ocean energy deployment: 100 MW by 2025. To reach that goal and fund the next 100 MW of ocean energy, the European Commission will need to coordinate with national and regional authorities.
This conference brought together key actors from EU Institutions, national governments, and the ocean energy industry to explore how best to achieve this 100 MW target. It provided concrete solutions to empower the Commission and Member States to succeed in their coordination work.
Recordings and presentations are available here

A political vision for ocean energy – Part I
09:30 – 10:00
The EU Strategy on Offshore Renewable Energy is a landmark communication, setting a clear path for ocean energy. Rapid implementation of the text is now needed to reach its ambitious targets.
During this conference, leading EU policymakers will share their vision for the ocean energy sector and discuss priorities to turn the Strategy into action.
Introduction: Rémi Gruet, CEO, Ocean Energy Europe
Keynote: Catharina Sikow-Magny, Director, DG ENER, European Commission
Keynote: Seán Kelly, MEP, European Partliament

Pilot farms: a pathway to 2025
10:00 – 10:55
This session will provide a glimpse into the future of ocean energy in Europe. OEE will formally hand over the ‘Target 2025’ ocean energy project pipeline analysis to the European Commission, and leading developers will present their demonstration projects.
Moderator: Donagh Cagney, Policy Director, OEE
- Rémi Collombet, Senior Policy Officer, Ocean Energy Europe (OEE) – Key findings of OEE’s ‘Target 2025’ analysis
- Guillaume Gréau, Head of Business Development, HydroQuest – A multi-MW tidal array to harness the power of the Raz Blanchard
- Patrik Möller, CEO, CorPower Ocean – Bringing wave energy to the pilot farm stage
A New Insurance & Warranty Concept for Ocean Energy
10:55 – 11:15
Report Authors: Michael Bullock & Joe Hulm, Renewable Risk Advisers

A political vision for ocean energy – Part II
11:15 – 11:30
Keynote: Morten Petersen, MEP, European Parliament
Getting everyone on the same boat: Coordinating support
11:30 – 12:40
This session brings together the European Commission, Member States and investors to discuss what is needed to achieve the Strategy’s deployment objectives.
Moderator: Donagh Cagney, Policy Director, Ocean Energy Europe
- Vincent Berrutto, Head of Unit, DG ENER, European Commission
- Hélène Chraye, Head of Unit, DG RTD, European Commission
- Wolfgang d’Innocenzo, Energy Attaché, Italian Permanent Representation
- Patricia Comiskey, Programme Manager Ocean Energy, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)
- Diego Pavia, CEO, Innoenergy