Networking Forums

Balancing Renewables: Benefits, Opportunities and Challenges
Tuesday 1 December, 14:00 – 15:00
Seabased will host a 1 hour networking forum on flexibility: to explore how to enable the strategic and practical balancing of renewable energies, including ocean energy. This can generate the most abundant, potent energy baseload for each unique spot in the world.

Scotland is now
Wednesday 2 December, 12:00 – 13:00
Scotland is a world leader in the development and deployment of wave and tidal energy technologies. It plays host to the world’s leading wave and tidal test centre, the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney; the world’s first commercial scale and largest tidal stream array; the world’s first community tidal stream array and the world’s most powerful tidal stream turbine. The Wave Energy Scotland (WES) technology programme, has invested more than £41.6 million in more than 95 projects to date. These projects are developing wave devices, sub-systems and components, as well as leading the way in advanced control systems.
Scotland continues to champion the wave and tidal energy sector, supporting the research, development, and demonstration that will maintain Scotland’s competitive advantage and potentially deliver significant domestic and export-led economic benefit.

Wales Looking Forward
Thursday 3 December, 14:10 – 15:10
Wales is a world class location for marine energy. We have a marine resource suitable for both wave and tidal stream generation with access to a wide range of partners across academia, innovation, plus specialist supply chain in close proximity to a customer base.
This session will provide a compelling overview of how policy has stimulated the sector to develop innovative technology with the assistance of targeted support. Also, how the supply chain has worked in tandem with developers to deliver products and services to stimulate a new sector across Wales.
Mark Drakeford MS – First Minister of Wales
Chair: Martin Murphy – CEO, Marine Energy Wales
Helen Donovan – Senior Industrial Transformation Manager, Welsh Government